Thursday 15 May 2014

Song #4 Magazine

Elvis Costello once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture, and I think I agree. Music criticism is rarely enlightening, it all tends to boil down to "it sounds a bit like" and "I don't/do like it". So what.
It's a bright sunny day outside, but I'm feeling like crap, both physically and emotionally. I'm in pain, my life is in a freefall of chaos, and a good friend is about to enter a hospice for his last few weeks. At times like this you need music more than ever, music that stops you thinking or helps you to think, music that comforts, music that eases.
I was 21 when I lost my Mother. I lost a few days as well. I have big blank spaces around the funeral. I do remember some of the music I played though, and one of the songs was "Song From Under The Floorboards" by Magazine. I adore Magazine and The Correct Use of Soap is in my permanent top 20 albums of all time.
Listen to the keyboards, the burbling bass lines, and listen to the brilliant lyrics. This is where "pop" music goes up a few levels, the references might be Kafka, Dostoievski, socialist realism, clean industrial design...
They may be many things, but it all comes together in a clean wonderful slab of genius.
"I am angry, I am ill, and I'm as ugly as sin".
I am angry I am sad, and I have no idea where the future is taking me - I am scared

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